Monday, August 25, 2008
Reflect Your Emotions Into Web Design Color
The Theme on your template is very important to realize that different colors invoke different
emotions, are associated with specific concepts and say different things in each
society. The colors you choose will have a direct effect on how the public
perceives your web company. Technology allows us to create color
Here are some of color
according from
Human Body Chakra's
Sense of power, excitement and energy, Money, strength, action
Love, passion, sexuality, Ideas, Imaginations, Currier, friendliness, and energy
Love, Peaceful, happy, feminine, compassion, sweet, playful
Prosperity, Caution, brightness, intelligence, joy, organization, Spring time
Health, nature, comfort, growth, freshness, sharing and responsiveness
Knowledge, Scientist, Understanding, cooperation, protection and security
Spiritualism, Royalty, sophistication, religion
Super power, Elegant , Dramatic, classy, committed, serious
Pure, fresh, easy, cleanliness or goodness
We know that if we can cause some kind of an
emotional reaction in the people we are marketing to and communicating with, By
choosing the colors of your websites or
online media publisher
with deliberate care, we are purposefully trying to invoke a specific emotional
response that will increase sales. So pick your colors carefully.
When ordering websites from your
web hosting, ask to use one primary color and
one secondary or complimentary color only. Base these colors on the specific
audience, market and the messages you want to communicate to the rest of the
world. If more than two or three colors are used, things tend to look a little
messy, and the power of any one color is diluted too much, so we most often
stick with two colors.
If the client already has an established brand,
make sure to match the colors of the website with the original colors of the
company. It is not wise to have print collateral material one color and the
website a totally unrelated color. All marketing channels need to remain
consistent, with one face only.
Whether you are
Designing websites,
media printing
on paper for clients or for your own business,
your color choice is vital. Be sure to try different colors, different shades,
and different combinations before you decide. - Bali Web Design and Web Hosting Company
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