Thursday, October 30, 2008

Deciding on the Best Design For Your Custom Motorcycle

So you've decided you really do want a custom motorcycle. Congratulations, you've just taken the easy step. Choosing what type of custom motorcycle you desire is now the fun part. Are you willing to trust the imagination of a motorcycle manufacturer or do you want a truly custom job that you design. Either way there are benefits. There is the added benefit of knowing that the bike will truly represent you if you decide to play a major part in the design of the custom motorcycle. To help you design the best bike here are a few tips.

Tip # 1 Pick an Overall Theme

Chances are there is an overall theme to the bike for any custom motorcycle that you have come to admire. It doesn't have to be something specific; some people simply use a single idea such as a wave or the wind as the idea that they are trying to present with their motorcycle. Others have a more specific motif in mind, such as spider webs or a shout-out to World War II vets.

Tip # 2 Choose a Bike Sized For the Rider

A custom motorcycle can come in just about any size, which is a very good thing considering motorcycle riders span just about every physical size out there. If you want your motorcycle to be truly customized, make sure your bike design is built to fit your body. If you're a little more heavyset, or you want a bike that is great for touring the country, design a bike that is a little bit wider and has a wider tire.

Tip# 3: Select Parts that are Replaceable

One of the areas where most new designers of a custom motorcycle make the biggest mistake is choosing to make the motorcycle with parts that are hard to find. It's a hard truth underlying just about any mechanical endeavor -- parts will break down eventually. Having to hunt for parts at different mechanic shops can be a real hassle.

Tip # 4: Find a Color Scheme that Fits Your Style

Perhaps one of the most noticeable parts of a custom motorcycle is the paint job. Many people spend hours upon hours trying to decide on the perfect look for their custom motorcycle. Instead, take a look at the world around you for inspiration; chances are you'll be able find the best choice for your color scheme out there.

Looking to buy a Motorcycle? Read this excellent article, designing a Custom Motorcycle. This will help you with your decision. To browse more articles on motorcycles visit,

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