Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Graphic Design, Color, and Moods

Graphic Design is a powerful tool when you use it affectively with colors that will influence the mood of your visitors.

Learning to use the correct colors to trigger the correct response can enhance your website and have your visitors becoming regular customers or guests to your website. All of this can be achieved with graphic Design.

With just a little knowledge of how the different colors will affect your guests, you with the aid of a professional graphic Design artist, can have your guests feeling excitement, relaxation, or content.

The three basic concepts for colors that can be used to your benefit with graphic Design are active colors, passive colors, and neutral colors. Active colors are also warm colors and include yellow, orange and red. These types of colors enforce positive attitude, confidence and happiness. Reds make you feel warm, like a cozy fireplace whereas yellow or golden colors can bring out creativity. Passive colors are blues, greens and purples and these enforce contentment and restoration. The neutral colors are gray, beige, white, and taupe. These colors are usually used along with other colors to help bring about a transition.

Now, you know the basics, but what about moods. The different colors that you use for your graphic Design can also bring about desirable moods for your visitors. The mood that you set on your website with graphic Design can create a wonderful atmosphere that will bring about visitors becoming regular clients. If you wish to convey a mood that soothes and comforts then pink is your answer, yellow will give your guests increased energy and a cheerful mood, white shows purity and works with other colors to bring out life, black gives a mood of authority and discipline, orange increases the appetite and is also very cheery, red gives your guests the mood of being in power, purple creates mystery while comforting, and blue will relax your guests.

Using these tips along with lines, shapes and photos your graphic Design will have your guests in the mood to buy, read, or converse in your forum in no time.

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