Thursday, October 2, 2008

How To Design A Flower Garden For Beginner's

When most people start there flower garden they just start digging and planting stuff. They let things flow from their mind naturally. The problem with this is that things might not look right as things actually start to mature. This could easily be avoided if you just think things through a little bit more. Were going to take a look at how you can come up with a great flower garden design that you will be happy with.

Start With A Site Analysis

What you are doing here is giving yourself an idea of what can grow in certain locations. If a part of your garden is shaded then you will need to make sure the plants you grow there can handle shade. Look at your soil. Find out what will grow in the different types of soil. You can't just design for beauty. Healthy plants are important too.

Draw It Up On Paper

It really helps to draw up a basic design of how you want your garden laid out. This gives you an idea of how things look before you even get started on the project. This doesn't have to be perfect nor does it need to be perfect. You also have the right to change your mind later. The idea is to start with a plan.

Sketch out where you want certain plants. Where do you want shrubs? Where do you want roses to go? Where do you want your vegetables to go. What types of plants will go well together? What mix of colors will bring out the best of your garden? Where will your water fountain go? What is the best place to put a bird feeder?

Keep Space In Mind

Different plants need different amounts of space. For example, roses need a fair bit of space between plants. And you can't just grow something like cucumber anywhere or pumpkins as their vines may interfere with other plants.

Are You Trying To Attract Birds & Butterflies

Many people plant flower gardens so that they can attract birds and butterflies. This does effect your design. What is your plan to go about attracting these animals and insects? Will you have a bird bath? Will you have a bird feeder? What plants attract butterflies easily? Where will you locate these things in your garden so that they look nice?

How To Decorate Physical Things

This is something else you need to look at. Do you have a flag pole? What sorts of flowers, shrubs, or decorations would you like to put around that pole? The same can work for water fountains, bird baths, and bird feeders. How can you spice these up by growing or decorating around them?


Those are just few ideas and things you need to consider as you design your perfect flower garden. As you design all of it out on paper realize that your original vision can change. But a little planning can go along ways before you get things started.

John E White is the author of First Garden Mastery. It's an e-book that walks new gardeners through the creation of their very first garden. Visit to learn how to grow the garden of your dreams and sign up for your free 7 day mini course on gardening for beginners.


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