Sunday, March 29, 2009
Adding Personal Touches and Postcard Design Inspirations
Researching for a postcard design to apply to your direct mail is easier once you have determined what kind of message you want to send out, what kind of concept you want to define, and how you want your postcards to function.
A Fulfilling Postcard Strategy
The first two concerns deals with the overall campaign you have set out for your postcards, as part of your advertising and marketing strategy. Postcards can very well shape the way your audience think of your brand and promotions. Furthermore, it can help define who you are and the kind of products and services you offer. It can very well cement your identity in their minds and set you apart from the rest.
How you want your postcards to function is determined whether you want to use them as promotional cards, as thank you notes, greeting cards and so on. Each of these, of course, requires certain details that are essential in their nature.
And so, the steps necessary to making and organizing your postcard design are the following:
1. Decide whether you are to use your postcards as an advertising material, direct mail, and so on.
2. Do you want your postcards to promote a message, to amplify the popularity of your brands, and so on.
3. What are the most important elements that should be highlighted in your postcards? Is it the text or the visual message?
Making your own Designs
There are various ways to easily create a design. There are plenty of possibilities to explore too. To make it easier for you to use your imagination, here are some inspiring ideas for you to try.
1. Imitation is the best form of flattery
Imitation can mean that you use a particular idea or a design. It need not be an exact replica, but you can concentrate on imitating certain styles that makes it unique. To be more specific, if you want to use a popular painting like Picasso but can't afford it, use the cubism style in your design instead. You don't have to borrow Picasso's painting but just imitate the style he used.
2. Color Theme
Color themes would help you decide the style you want for your design. If you want neutral shades, then go for earth tone colors in your font or background color. If you want soft images and colors on your design, then go for pastels. If you wan dramatic postcards, then go for vivid and rich colors, on so on.
3. Symbols
You can use symbols to enhance your messages. These act as visual communication tools that compliments your message or ideas. Take for example the American flag. While you may not want to incorporate the whole flag in the design, but still want to communicate a sense of patriotism, then use the stars and stripes detail.
4. Follow the trend
If you want to be in-tune to the rest of the world, then it may be time for you to follow the trend. This is a good idea if you're targeting a young market. Use designs that are in-line with their interests and hobbies.
5. Templates
If you think designing a postcard is hard, you can use online design tools that allows you to customize ready-made designs. This means that the templates are available for your use, yet you can add your own touch to make them as unique as possible.
So follow your instincts and be creative with your designs. There are no wrongs or rights. The only way to come up with an original postcard design is a personalized look you had thought of yourself.
Postcards Design tips and articles can be found at Full Color Online Printing Services - U Printing